Brabant International Expo 2025

Meet Us at the Brabant International Expo!

Find out more about the communities, governmental organizations and support organizations that will be at the Expo!


Bulgarian Hub Eindhoven serves as a cultural and information point for the people of Noord Brabant.

Centro Latinoamericano de Orientación C.L.O. is a Latin American Center for Orientation in Eindhoven.

Connecting Cultures is an organisation of volunteers committed to building bridges between internationals and locals in Eindhoven through open dialogue, shared experiences, and cultural exchange. contribute to a more inclusive society.

Expat Kids in Eindhoven offers a different activity, for children aged 0 to 13 so they will have the opportunity to make new friends in a healthy, fun, and dynamic environment.

Expat Spouses Initiative (ESI) is a creative, outside-of-the-box response to international mobility that supports international professionals locally.

Get in Touch (GIT) Program assists international spouses in feeling at home in the Netherlands. It helps embrace what Eindhoven has to offer by exploring the city, making friends, building social networks, growing together, and improving language skills.

The 'GET HUB' project aims to celebrate diversity and promote unity in our neighborhood by creating meaningful connections between local residents and internationals.

Heritage Language Education Network makes sure that families, schools, and mobility advisors can easily find information about which after-school and weekend language programs are available for multilingual children to keep up their home language and understand their heritage culture.

The Indian Center In Netherlands is an Indian Community center supporting the Indian Community people living in the Netherlands.

The International Women's Club Eindhoven (IWCE) is a social club for international women living in and around Eindhoven. Their goal is to provide an atmosphere of friendship and support.

The Romanian School in Eindhoven is a community project, organized as a Foundation (Stichting) and sustained by a group of professors and parents from the Eindhoven area.

Turkish Professional Network Eindhoven (tpn.e)
was officially founded in June 2011 and is an association of educated professionals.

Ukrainians in Eindhoven is a non-profit organisation that unites Ukrainians who live in Eindhoven and the surrounding areas.


Consul Honorario de España en Brabante informs Spanish citizens about work issues,and about working in the Netherlands. The following will also attend: CENL (Association of Spanish Sientists in the Netherlands), CRE (Counsil for Spanisch Residents in the Netherlands), and the Consejeria de Trabajo, Migraciones y Seguridad Social (Council for Labour, Migration and Social Security of the Embassy of Spain).

EURES is the European network that promotes working and recruiting across borders. They can inform and advise you on finding work within Europe and on all kinds of practical matters related to moving to another country within Europe.

Future of Eindhoven / Toekomst van Eindhoven
The Municipality of Eindhoven has launched 'The Eindhoven of the Future' project and the municipality is reaching out to everyone connected to Eindhoven, to help envision this shared future and map out how to get there together.

The Municipality of Eindhoven's Safety & Enforcement Sector aims to inform the residents of Eindhoven on how they can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of burglary, home invasion, or other forms of crime. Additionally, we provide guidance on what to do if someone unfortunately falls victim to such crimes. This information will be provided in collaboration with the police.

Grensinfopunt EIndhoven (Cross border information point Eindhoven) gives everybody who is or come into a cross border situation: all kinds of information about: Labor law and benefits, social security, such as healthcare, pensions, child allowance, and taxes. Public service, for free.


ADHD Café Eindhoven: Our monthly café where you meet others with AD(H)D and their partners, parents and friends in a positive ‘vibe’. We talk about our challenges, but above all, about our talent, qualities and opportunities. A safe space to connect.

Centrum de Eik provides a safe space for people in Eindhoven (and surrounding area) who have a connection with cancer. If you have (had) cancer yourself, or a loved one, De Eik is there for you; by supporting you psychosocially and providing directional support. A main goal is to improve quality of life. We help you learn how to do so, you are not alone!

Eindhoven Doet supports volunteers and volunteer organizations. They do this by advising, informing and supporting organizations that work with volunteers. Volunteers and people who want to become volunteers can also contact them with their questions.  

Omnia Jeugdzorg is an organization specialized in culturally sensitive youth care to support families in raising their children. We organize parenting courses for all parents, providing them with practical tools for positive parenting, ensuring that harmony and peace prevail in the family.

RADAR/ is an anti-discrimination agency where you can file a report if you feel discriminated against or if you have witnessed someone else being discriminated against. This can also be done anonymously.

Samen Leren in Diversiteit program supports children in 3 areas. We are setting up a parent and youth support center (online and offline), appointing regional experts (expertise shell) on cultural diversity, language disorders, trauma and neurodiversity, and the program also offers training for primary school employees/educational professionals and training for parents on raising and growing up in the Netherlands.

Stichting Zelfhulp Netwerk Zuidoost Brabant (the Self-help Network Southeast Brabant Foundation) brings people together. Because the people who have the same experience will often have a better understanding of your struggle than the ones who don’t. By talking about your experiences you will not only know that you are not the only one but you are also able to talk about the available options and learn how to become stronger as a person.

Wij Eindhoven is a community-driven initiative in Eindhoven, focused on strengthening social cohesion and supporting residents in various aspects of life. It brings people together by organizing activities, offering guidance, and fostering connections between neighbors.


Spiekkleding is clothing that is printed with language support for people who would like to learn Dutch. It was developed in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Affairs. A special collection of scarves and bags was created for Holland Expat Center South.

Tourist Information/VVV Eindhoven
Eindhoven247 is a hospitable organisation that, on behalf of the Municipality of Eindhoven, provides social services that contribute to a strong positioning and hospitable experience of the city.