Expat Webinar: Starting a Business in the NL

Expat Webinar: Starting a Business in the NL

17 February 2022, 19:00 - 20:00


During this Expat Webinar, our Official Partner Blue Umbrella will present information about starting a business in the Netherlands.

This webinar takes you on a tour through the fiscal, legal and regulatory landscape for small business owners doing business in a Dutch context. Blue Umbrella’s tax advisers discuss VAT issues, tax filings, tax credits, deductibles and much more.

Considering self-employment or already in business? You probably want to stay focused on your own trade and can do without all the tedious and complex work of filing tax, VAT, and financial administration. Blue Umbrella explains how they can help you with the administrative hassle of running a company so you can stay focused on your business.

Blue Umbrella is an Official Partner of Holland Expat Center South.


This event will take place via Microsoft Teams. There is no charge to attend, but registration is required via this link.